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Meet Your Beekeepers

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Hello! We are Mitch and Darlene Myers.  We are certified beekeepers through the NC State Beekeepers Association. Upon establishment of our own Russian apiaries, we have fallen more in love with beekeeping and we learn something new with each encounter. We enjoy sharing our excitement, experiences and knowledge with others.



Our journey as beekeepers began when we found how difficult it was to buy pure, natural, raw honey. We grew up on family farms that provided the foods that we needed including great honey.


Beekeeping has many challenges but the greatest of all is having healthy thriving bees. After much research, we learned of the 18 strands of mite resistant Russian honey bees that the USDA Baton Rouge Bee Lab brought to the US to shore up the beekeeping industry.

Read more about the USDA Baton Rouge Bee Lab:




We received the WNC AgOptions Grant which enabled us to further expand our Russian Apiaries and queen rearing program. The  grant allowed us to establish a much larger core Russian apiary with additional satellite yards in Clay and Cherokee Counties.  


We also received the EmPOWERing Mountain Food Systems grant which helped us initially to develop our website and upgrade our honey extracting and bottling equipment.   


You can read more about the grant we received at the WNC AgOptions website:



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